Our database contains 75,496 approved salary profiles from the last 12 months.
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The newest profiles in the salary survey
Gender | Position and category | Region | Company size | Age group | Basic gross monthly salary |
DevOps Engineer Information Technology | The Capital Prague | n/a | 35-44 | 112,300.00 CZK | |
Javascript Programmer Information Technology | Brno - City | small company (up to 50 employees) | 25-34 | 45,714.00 CZK | |
Buying Agent Commerce | Olomouc | n/a | 29,000.00 CZK | ||
Librarian Education, Science & Research | Ostrava | large company (250 or more employees) | 55+ | 34,297.00 CZK | |
Doctor Medicine & Social Care | Hradec Králové | n/a | 35-44 | 216,667.00 CZK | |
Data analyst Economy, Finance, Accountancy | Pardubice | n/a | 25-34 | 71,000.00 CZK | |
IT/Technical Support Specialist Information Technology | Beroun | large company (250 or more employees) | 25-34 | 30,500.00 CZK | |
DevOps Engineer Information Technology | The Capital Prague | large company (250 or more employees) | 45-54 | 112,750.00 CZK | |
Aircraft Technician Transport, Haulage, Logistics | Příbram | n/a | 48,000.00 CZK | ||
Software Engineer Information Technology | The Capital Prague | n/a | 25-34 | 127,083.00 CZK |