
Our database contains 75,435 approved salary profiles from the last 12 months.

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The newest profiles in the salary survey

Gender Position and category Region Company size Age group Basic gross monthly salary
gender_icon Purchasing Manager Management Mělník n/a 43,000.00 CZK
gender_icon Software Engineer Information Technology Brno - City n/a 25-34 68,417.00 CZK
gender_icon Senior Accountant Economy, Finance, Accountancy The Capital Prague large company (250 or more employees) 35-44 100,000.00 CZK
gender_icon Auto Repair Shop Manager Management The Capital Prague n/a 35-44 85,767.00 CZK
gender_icon Repairer Electrical & Power Engineering Olomouc n/a 55+ 34,000.00 CZK
gender_icon Data scientist Information Technology The Capital Prague n/a 35-44 80,000.00 CZK
gender_icon HR Manager Management Ostrava medium company (51 - 249 employees) 35-44 60,000.00 CZK
gender_icon Primary School Teacher Education, Science & Research The Capital Prague n/a 35,850.00 CZK
gender_icon Cutter/Grinder/Polisher Mechanical Engineering Zlín medium company (51 - 249 employees) 45-54 43,333.00 CZK
gender_icon Project Manager Construction & Real Estate Brno - City large company (250 or more employees) 35-44 49,000.00 CZK