
Product terms and conditions for clients


1.1 Alma Career Czechia s.r.o., with its registered office at Menclova 2538/2, Libeň, 180 00 Prague 8, the Czech Republic, ID No. 264 41 381, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, Insert 82484 ("Alma Career"), issues these Paylab Product Terms for Clients (“Product Terms”) governing other terms of use of the Electronic System Paylab by Clients and the provision of related Services to Clients.

1.2 The contractual matters between Alma Career and the Client not expressly stipulated in these Product Terms are governed by Alma Career’s General Terms and Conditions for Businesses ("GTC") available at https://almacareer.com/legal/cz/en/general-terms-conditions and the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations.

1.3 In the event of any discrepancy between these Product Terms and the GTC, these Product Terms shall prevail.

1.4 Alma Career's current contact and billing information is available at https://almacareer.com/cz/kontakty.

1.5 An informative English translation of these Product Terms is available at https://almacareer.com/legal/cz/en/general-terms-conditions/product-terms/platy. In case of discrepancies between the English or other foreign language version, the Czech language version shall prevail.


2.1 The terms used in these Product Terms have the following meaning:

    1. Copyright Act: the EU copyright legislation, which governs, among other things, relations relating to the creation and use of a work of authorship or artistic performance, the making and use of an audio-visual recording, or the making and use of a computer program or database.
    2. Price List: a list / an overview of currently valid prices and other services is available at https://www.platy.cz/paylab.
    3. Salary Analysis: a statistical output that reflects the current labour market price of labour for the selected country/region and job.

2.2 Other terms used in these Product Terms but not defined herein have the meaning defined in the GTC.


3.1 After successful registration in the Electronic System, the Client is entitled to order a Salary Analysis according to the following rules:

    1. After the Client submits an order, Alma Career will send an order confirmation to the Client's contact e-mail address (order acceptance), whereby the order confirmed by Alma Career is binding and may only be changed by mutual consent of the Parties. Alma Career shall be entitled to make the amendment of the order subject to the payment of an administration fee.
    2. The price of the Salary Analysis is determined according to the valid Price List published on the relevant website on the date of ordering the Salary Analysis (see clause 1 b)).

3.2 Alma Career makes every effort to ensure that the outputs of the Salary Analysis are based on reliable, accurate and representative data, but this does not guarantee the absolute accuracy and completeness of the Salary Analysis.

3.3 The Client declares that it is fully aware that the Salary Analysis is a statistical work based on mathematical calculations. The Salary Analysis is for informational purposes only. For this reason, the Client agrees that Alma Career shall not be liable for any consequences or damages incurred by the Client due to the use of the Salary Analysis.

3.4 Due to the statistical nature of the Salary Analysis, the Client is not entitled to complain about the content of the output of the Salary Analysis.


4.1 The Client acknowledges that the Salary Analysis (or its outputs) is a copyrighted work and is protected under the Copyright Act and the regulations in force in the country in which the Services are provided. Alma Career holds valid licenses or consents from the persons concerned (authors or entities exercising the author's proprietary rights) for the use of such copyrighted works, or is directly the entity entitled to exercise the author's proprietary rights in accordance with the Copyright Act, i.e. to grant consent for any further use of such work. The output of the Salary Analysis may include a database created by Alma Career or another person, which is also subject to copyright and appropriate protection.

4.2 The Salary Analysis is intended solely for the information of the Client in connection with its business and for its own purposes. The Client is not entitled to redistribute the data obtained by using the Salary Analysis to third parties, whether or not for a fee, nor to use it for other purposes or to allow it to be used for other purposes by another person. The Client is not entitled to download the output of the Salary Analysis onto its website or into its publications or otherwise copy and reproduce the output of the Salary Analysis, in particular for the purpose of selling its products and services, without the prior written consent of Alma Career. Alma Career shall be entitled to withhold consent pursuant to the preceding sentence, in particular if, in its reasonable opinion, this could damage its reputation.

4.3 These Product Terms are valid and effective as of 1. 1. 2024.

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